Filmmaker Vaishnavi Sundar discusses her recently released documentary: Behind the Looking Glass, which delves into the lives and experiences of women whose partners have, or want to, transition. With voices...
Guest: Karen Slater Karen Slater had a lot to forgive her closeted husband for, not the least of which is the impact his sexual rejection had on her. It...
Guest: Sally Srok Author and Coach Sally Srok shares her experience of losing herself in a 20-year mixed orientation marriage, learning her husband was gay, and how she rebuilt...
Guest: Michelle Mays, Author Today we talk to Licensed Professional Counselor and expert in treating sexual betrayal Michelle Mays. She is the author of The Betrayal Bind: How to...
Guest: Ryan King Our favorite self-described former closeted gay narcissist in recovery joins us for a third time to answer audience questions. In this episode he helps us demystify...
Guest: The Chump Lady, Tracy Schorn The Chump Lady talks about cheating, double lives and closets (of all kinds), and the toll being a chump can take on a...
Guest: Ryan King Ryan King returns to the podcast to answer your most common questions about closeted narcissists, their motivations and behaviors. He speaks from his own experience and...
Guest: Shannon Thrace Shannon Thrace talks about how sex and intimacy with her spouse changed when they transitioned genders. In this frank, vulnerable and explicit conversation, Shannon shares how...
Guest: Ryan King Ryan King knew he was gay from the time he was six years old. Despite this, he married a woman. In this double-length episode, Ryan sheds...