Welcome to OurPath. If you are here, it is likely that you are an LGBT+ Partner in a Mixed Orientation Relationship. Perhaps you are considering coming out as LGBT+ to your partner and you are looking for guidance on how to do that as compassionately as possible. Perhaps you have recently come out to your partner and you are seeking a support resource for them. Or, perhaps your partner has found evidence that you may be LGBT+ and you are looking for guidance on how to navigate your relationship from this point.
To that end we have compiled a list of books, articles, podcasts, websites and videos for you and your Straight Partner. (For our proprietary podcast and blog content, refer to the Our Voices section of this site).
Note: For resources available from Amazon, OurPath has reproduced Amazon’s descriptions of those resources as a courtesy. OurPath is an Amazon Associate: Amazon gives a percentage of book sales from our direct links to OurPath.