05 – Resources for Straight Partners

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Resources for Straight Partners focuses on information and stories that speak to the Straight or Non-trans Partner experience. There are several books written from the Straight Partner perspective, as well as resources to help Straight and Non-trans Partners move through shock, grief, trauma and loss, and toward a fulfilling new life.

Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Straight Partners
When Gay Men (Mis)Marry Straight Women, Part 2
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Straight Partners
The Trauma of Intimate Partner Betrayal
Resource for Straight Partners
The Other Side of the Closet: A Straight Spouse Speaks Out
Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Straight Partners
We need a new definition of forgiveness
Women Partners of Bisexual Men Service
Resource for Straight Partners
Women Partners of Bisexual Men Service
Morgana Bailey
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
The Danger of Hiding Who You Are
Kelli Crux
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
Telling My Husband “I’m Gay” – A Coming Out Story
Luanne Nightingale
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
Choosing Gratitude and Hope
Dr. Kevin Skinner The Other Side of Infidelity
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
The Other Side of Infidelity
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Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Straight Partners
The Bishop’s Daughter
Families Like Mine
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Straight Partners
Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is
Dr. Jake Porter
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
How Does Betrayal Trauma Affect the Brain?