08 – Voices Podcast

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The Voices Podcast is a resource for Straight and Non-trans Partners as they navigate the tremendous life changes that accompany finding out their partners are LGBT+. We feature the voices of Straight and Non-trans Partners as well as those of professionals with expertise on various topics related to the Straight Partner experience. Occasionally, we feature the voices of LGBT+ Partners for their perspectives and experiences. We strive to create a forum of frank and open discussion about diverse experiences that are difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial. We do this with the intention to help Straight and Non-trans Partners heal.

Our Voices podcast
11/01/2020 OurPath
S3 Ep 19: Pretending to Be Straight: Sociopathic Partners Who are Secretly Gay

Guest: Ross Rosenberg, Psychotherapist Psychotherapist Ross Rosenberg is an expert in clinical narcissism, narcissistic personality disorders and sociopathy. Today he discusses what happens when a narcissistic or sociopathic individual…

11/15/2020 OurPath
S3 Ep 20: Let’s Talk About Sex. No, Let’s Really Talk About It.

Guest: Deborah Simmons, Author Deborah Simmons is co-author of the pre-published book, “What’s a Good Man to Do? A Candid Conversation about Sexuality.” Today she shares how to open…

09/09/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 1: Welcome to OurPath

Welcome to OurPath, formerly the Straight Spouse Network. Today on the show, founder Dr. Amity Pierce Buxton, Executive Director Kelly Hollimon, and board member Tiffany Butler discuss the rebranding…

09/15/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 2: Learning to Trust Again with Dr. Debi Silber

Guest: Dr. Debi Silber Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, the…

10/01/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 3: A “Narcissist in Recovery” Gets Real

Guest: Ryan King Ryan King knew he was gay from the time he was six years old. Despite this, he married a woman. In this double-length episode, Ryan sheds…

10/15/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 4: The Invitation to Transformation with Priscilla Tuft

Guest: Priscilla Tuft Fitness entrepreneur, energy healer, transformation and empowerment coach Priscilla Tuft has a gift for guiding people through radical transformations. And she’s been through one of her…

11/01/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 5: When a Parent Transitions, A Son Does Too

Guest: Jonathan Williams In this open and heartfelt conversation with Jonathan Williams, son of transgender writer and speaker Paula Stone Williams, he shares his own journey through disbelief, anger,…

11/15/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 6: When Praying Away the Gay Doesn’t Work

Guest: Candice Czubernat Christian therapist Candice Czubernat never expected to be working with Straight Partners as part of her LGBT+ affirming therapy practice. But many of her LGBT+ clients…

12/01/2021 OurPath
S4 Ep 7: The Impact of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell on a Military Wife

Guest: Janice Mitchell Janice and her husband were members of the US military during the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” era. That enforced secrecy, combined with being southern, Baptist, and…

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