A spouse transitioning genders is an experience like no other. In this Solo Showdown Comedy & Solo Performance Workshop, Julie Feinstein Adams brings the heart, the nuance, the complexity...
In this thoughtful, tear-jerking, hilarious memoir, Jennifer Finney Boylan asks what it means to be a father, or a mother, and to what extent gender shades our experiences as...
Part memoir, part voyeur’s look into a marriage, Sex Changes is a journey through the end of a marriage and out the other side. We see a woman, desperate...
Author Helen Boyd is a happily married woman whose husband enjoys sharing her wardrobe – and she has written the first book on transgendered men to focus on their...
Helen Boyd’s husband, who had long been open about being a cross-dresser, was considering living as a woman full time. Suddenly, Boyd was confronted with the reality of what...
For many years, the author had coped with her spouse’s moodiness, but that chronic unhappiness was taking a toll on their marriage. A little over a year after their...
Theirs was the storybook marriage that inspired others. For over twenty years, and after three failed marriages, Marcy Madden had everything she had ever dreamed of in her husband,...
She’s Not There was one of the first works to present trans experience from the perspective of a literary novelist, opening a door to new understanding of love, sex,...
Providing an essential tool that is currently missing, this book gives guidance and advice specifically designed for this situation, alongside activities, quizzes, and personal anecdotes. By combining portions of...