There are two known types of transgenderism. One is associated with homosexuality and the other with autoheterosexuality: a sexual attraction to being the other sex. n Autoheterosexual: Attracted to...
Head Over Heels gives voice to thirty ordinary women who live extraordinary lives as partners to crossdressers, transgenderists, and male-to-female transsexuals. These unique women discuss, with honesty and great...
Shannon is no stranger to alternative lifestyles. Raised by Christian parents in Bluegrass country, she fled to the city, scraped together an education, worked for drag shows and befriended...
Founder of Body Spartan and WWE Superstar, Gabbi Tuft, along with her wife Priscilla Tuft, chronicle Gabbi’s gender transition from male to female.
How to Survive Learning That Your Partner Might Be LGBT+
A story of a partner’s transition and how the couple navigated that transition. Author: Brigitte Lacombe
Despite calls for increased attention to the experiences of transgender people, scientific understanding of the stigma and discrimination this population experiences is limited. We integrate minority stress and marital...