Emily Pearson’s memoir Dancing With Crazy is the true story of her personal derailment, both horrifically and humorously demonstrating what happens when mindless obedience to religious authority supersedes plain...

The true story of a wife, her homosexual husband, and a love that transcended tragedy. Gerald Pearson had been honest with Carol Lynn about his homosexual past, but both...

What do you do when your apparently heterosexual Christian spouse reveals they are gay or same-sex attracted? The revelation leads to a shattering of the heterosexual spouse, especially if...

On the Oprah Winfrey Show , in 2004, JL King made “on the down low”-married men having sex with other men-a household expression, wrote about his life on the...

This is Brenda’s inspiring account of overcoming pain and betrayal to find her mission in life – helping other women know they are not alone and that there is...

Imagine…..You have finally met Mr. Right. He’s handsome, sexy, charming, intelligent, articulate, and financially successful. He even portrays the role of an excellent father. He does not smoke, drink...

A riveting new voice in literary memoir tells the gripping true story of a family shattered–and ultimately set free–by the revelation of a long-hidden secret. Sally Lowe Whitehead shares...