When people come to OurPath, it’s because they have discovered or have reason to believe their partner or spouse in a heterosexual relationship is LGBT+. They find us in the days and months following discovery or disclosure. In addition to the resources found at OurPath, they may seek professional counseling.
While there are many programs to educate counselors, therapists and mental health professionals on issues pertaining to LGBT+ individuals and experiences, there are few resources for therapists who want to better understand and support the experience of the “straight” (non-LGBT+) partner or spouse in a Mixed Orientation Relationship. We often hear from people seeking support that it can be difficult to find a therapist who they feel understands and validates their experience as a Straight Partner or Partner of a Trans Person. To that end we have compiled a list of books, articles, podcasts, websites videos and academic research that can provide perspective on what it is like to be straight and partnered with an LGBT+ person. (For our proprietary podcast and blog content, refer to the Our Voices section of this site.)
Note: For resources available from Amazon, OurPath has reproduced Amazon’s descriptions of those resources as a courtesy. OurPath is an Amazon Associate: Amazon gives a percentage of book sales from our direct links to OurPath.