08 – Voices Podcast

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The Voices Podcast is a resource for Straight and Non-trans Partners as they navigate the tremendous life changes that accompany finding out their partners are LGBT+. We feature the voices of Straight and Non-trans Partners as well as those of professionals with expertise on various topics related to the Straight Partner experience. Occasionally, we feature the voices of LGBT+ Partners for their perspectives and experiences. We strive to create a forum of frank and open discussion about diverse experiences that are difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial. We do this with the intention to help Straight and Non-trans Partners heal.

Our Voices podcast
07/01/2024 OurPath
S7 Ep 6: Navigating Conflicting Feelings When a Straight Spouse has an LGBT+ Child

When Christine discovered her husband was gay after thirteen years of marriage, at first she felt relief that the disconnect between them had been explained. Anger and grief came…

08/01/2024 OurPath
S7 Ep 7: A Detransitioned Man Shares His Motives for Becoming a Trans Woman so Wives Can Better Understand Their Spouses

Ray Alex Williams used to go by the name Rachel. A former trans woman, today he refers to himself as a detransitioner. In this episode, he shares his perspective…

09/01/2024 OurPath
S7 Ep 8: The 6 Stages of Coming Out With Dr. Ben Shilaty

Dr. Ben Schilaty, a social work professor and therapist, explains the six stages of coming out, first observed by Dr. Vivienne Cass in the 1970’s, and the experiences of…

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