An ex-Mormon gay girl trying to figure out life. Hosts Mary and Shelly tackle religious trauma and later-in-life LGBT+ issues while laughing their asses off on a weekly podcast.

Kristin Kalbli, Assistant Director of OurPath, shares with host Virginia Campbell, how she learned her ex-husband was gay. She talks about common experiences Straight Partners have when they discover...

A spouse transitioning genders is an experience like no other. In this Solo Showdown Comedy & Solo Performance Workshop, Julie Feinstein Adams brings the heart, the nuance, the complexity...

For individuals and couples who are dealing with the aftermath of sexual addiction or chronic betrayal, trauma is not merely one element in the mix. Trauma permeates the experience...

What do you do when your apparently heterosexual Christian spouse reveals they are gay or same-sex attracted? The revelation leads to a shattering of the heterosexual spouse, especially if...

For many years, the author had coped with her spouse’s moodiness, but that chronic unhappiness was taking a toll on their marriage. A little over a year after their...

Do you know me?, the email began, sparking tremors of fear that turned into a full quake of panic when William Dameron discovered that his selfie had been stolen...

Providing an essential tool that is currently missing, this book gives guidance and advice specifically designed for this situation, alongside activities, quizzes, and personal anecdotes. By combining portions of...