There are two known types of transgenderism. One is associated with homosexuality and the other with autoheterosexuality: a sexual attraction to being the other sex. n Autoheterosexual: Attracted to...

Hope was miserable, imprisoned in a loveless marriage to a dangerous fraud. She had four small children and no money, but was determined to get them out. While it...

Author Kelly Wilkins shares what it was like to live in her husband’s closet, without knowing it.

Author Carrie Wynn describes the four stages of behavior a narcissist will employ to keep a relationship that benefits them intact.

When individuals with healthy emotional backgrounds meet, the irresistible “love force” creates a sustainable, reciprocal and stable relationship. Codependents and Pathological Narcissists are similarly enveloped in a seductive dreamlike...

After a fairy-tale courtship in 1980s New York City, Maggie’s young marriage shatters when her “perfect” husband–a star editor at The Wall Street Journal–is diagnosed with and dies of...

Delivering the first frank and thorough investigation of life “on the down low” (the DL), J. L. King exposes a closeted culture of sex between black men who lead...

This is a captivating journey of a picture-perfect marriage and the devastating effects of a quest for self. Taken from Francine’s heart-wrenching diary, we see Francine, an eternal optimist,...