Head Over Heels gives voice to thirty ordinary women who live extraordinary lives as partners to crossdressers, transgenderists, and male-to-female transsexuals. These unique women discuss, with honesty and great...
The New York Times reports on the phenomenon of “Brokeback Marriages” after the release of the film Brokeback Mountain. Author: Katy Butler.
A Straight Partner writes about navigating her husband’s shifting sexual identity as he worked through his authentic orientation. Author: Janine Cole.
Explores the steps and factors to consider when discussing whether or not to make your Mixed Orientation Relationship work. Author: Iamclinic
A blog on navigating having a trans partner and trying to make it work.
Within the scope of this study, we focused on self-identified non-straight men (gays, bisexuals, or men who have sex with men) who are in a relationship with self-identified straight...
This study explored predictors of sexual satisfaction for sexual minorities within mixed-orientation relationships (MOR) currently affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon). This...
This article examines the current legal situation in mainland China of gays and lesbians marrying a straight spouse to conceal their sexual orientation. It takes up angles from both...