Resources for Partners of Trans People

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Partners of Trans People

If you are here, you may have just discovered your partner is transgender. You might be feeling many conflicting and intense emotions. You may be only a few days removed from discovery or disclosure, or you may be a few years out. No matter where you are in your journey, OurPath has created this collection of books, articles, blogs, videos and podcasts to help you on your path. (For our proprietary podcast and blog content, refer to the Our Voices section of this site.)

Resources for Partners of Trans People focuses on information and stories that speak to the unique and complex experiences of Partners of Trans People. There are books and articles from the perspective of Partners of Trans People, as well as resources to help move you through shock, grief, and trauma, and toward a fulfilling new life.

Note: For resources available from Amazon, OurPath has reproduced Amazon’s descriptions of those resources as a courtesy. OurPath is an Amazon Associate: Amazon gives a percentage of book sales from our direct links to OurPath.


The Trans Partner Handbook
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals
The Trans Partner Handbook: A Guide for When Your Partner Transitions
Walk Through This
Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Straight Partners
Walk Through This: Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
Great Betrayals
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
The Closet: Psychological Issues of Being In and Coming Out
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People
My Husband is Now My Wife
Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Straight Partners
Four Things to Expect When You Break Up With a Narcissist
Sex Changes
Resource for Partners of Trans People
Sex Changes: A Memoir of Marriage, Gender, and Moving On
My Husband Betty
Resource for Partners of Trans People
My Husband Betty: Love, Sex, and Life with a Crossdresser
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People Resource for Professionals Resource for Straight Partners
Mixed Orientation Marriages | Finding the Factors That Keep Your Marriage Together
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Resource for Partners of Trans People
She’s Not the Man I Married (My Life with a Transgender Husband)
Love Lives Here
Resource for LGBT+ Partners Resource for Partners of Trans People
Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family
Just Because My Husband's A Woman
Resource for Partners of Trans People
“Just Because My Husband’s A Woman…”: Marcy’s side of the story