This is Brenda’s inspiring account of overcoming pain and betrayal to find her mission in life – helping other women know they are not alone and that there is a way to turn their hurt and isolation into forgiveness and healing. With honesty and wisdom Brenda shares her journey through what she thought was a fairy tale marriage to the shocking discovery that put her life in a tailspin. She guides with assurance and and warmth, advising women on how to have that talk with their kids, how to let go of the pain and how to trust and love again. Authors: Brenda Stone Browder and Karen Hunter.
On the Up and Up: A Survival Guide for Women Living with Men on the Down Low
This honest, inspirational guide relates the author's struggle to overcome her husband's infidelity with other men, drawing on her childhood of innocence and naivete and detailing her powerful journey of healing and forgiveness that has allowed her to love and trust again.
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