Author Aideen T. Finnola’s life has consisted of a series of trials and obstacles. She was raised by abusive parents who joined a Christian cult when she was eight. She left the cult at twenty-three only to go straight into a twenty-year marriage with an abusive husband who, as a closeted gay man, had falsely represented himself from the start. In My Exquisite Purple Life, Finnola offers a collection of stories from her life that share the many challenges she’s faced and the wisdom she’s gained through healing her pain. She tells how, by her middle thirties, after having suffered decades of abuse, neglect, and rejection from even before she was born, she was a broken woman. Finnola was a pack-a-day smoker, a daily drinker, chronically overweight, had had two extramarital affairs, and was on a high dose of antidepressants because she seriously contemplated suicide more than once. By all rights and reasons, she never should have made it, but she did.
My Exquisite Purple Life: Insights from a Woman Who Never Should Have Made It But Did
In My Exquisite Purple Life, Finnola offers a collection of stories from her life that share the many challenges she’s faced and the wisdom she’s gained through healing her pain. It reveals the techniques and realizations that aided her tramsformation, offering others encouragement, hope, and inspiration.
Author Aideen T. Finnola’s life has consisted of a series of trials and obstacles. She was raised by abusive parents who joined a Christian cult when she was eight. She left the cult at twenty-three only to go straight into a twenty-year marriage with an abusive husband who, as a closeted gay man, had falsely represented himself from the start. In My Exquisite Purple Life, Finnola offers a collection of stories from her life that share the many challenges she’s faced and the wisdom she’s gained through healing her pain. She tells how, by her middle thirties, after having suffered decades of abuse, neglect, and rejection from even before she was born, she was a broken woman. Finnola was a pack-a-day smoker, a daily drinker, chronically overweight, had had two extramarital affairs, and was on a high dose of antidepressants because she seriously contemplated suicide more than once. By all rights and reasons, she never should have made it, but she did.
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