
S8 Ep 2: The Final Episode of the OurVoices Podcast

In this the final episode of the OurVoices Podcast, host Kristin Kalbli shares a little of the wisdom she’s accumulated over the years of producing this podcast and over a decade of learning and healing from her own experience in a mixed-orientation marriage. This final episode her gift to you —the loyal and mighty audience — in gratitude for your support, your attention, and your time over the last eight—yes, eight—years.

Stay in touch with Kristin:

Her book page: The Mercy Fake (Facebook)

Kristin’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kristin.kalbli Instagram: @kristinkalbli Substack: https://substack.com/@kristinkalbli74 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@kristinkalbli7922

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up by Jungian analyst James Hollis: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Meaning-Second-Half-Life/dp/1592402070

If you would like to support this episode, please donate here

7 responses to “S8 Ep 2: The Final Episode of the OurVoices Podcast”

  1. David Harte says:

    Thank you so much for your determination and commitment to making the OurVoices podcast a reality, and be such a success. Nothing like this has ever been produced for “us” before. I noted how useful it is to new people to our local group, and that’s why I put my story out there with you. You’re one in a million Kristin !

    • Kristin Kalbli says:

      Thank you for your constant support David! It really, really helped keep me going to have a few voices like yours providing a little encouragement for me as well.

  2. Marlene says:

    Hi Kristin!
    I’m not a cryer. But I sat in my sunny sun room and listened to you, with tears in my eyes.

    I have come to realise the loveliness of me slowly and with your help. So, thank you.

    Best wishes for many open doors to you.

  3. Marlene Taylor says:

    Hi Kristin!
    I’m not a cryer. But I sat in my sunny sun room and listened to you, with tears in my eyes.

    I have come to realise the loveliness of me slowly and with your help. So, thank you.

    Best wishes for many open doors to you.

  4. susan relic says:

    Some great quotes, and lot of encouragement for our Life Part 2! Thank you so much, Kristin.

  5. Rachel says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you 🙏

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