Why has my partner’s behavior changed? I don’t recognize them.

Why has my partner’s behavior changed? I don’t recognize them.

Behavioral changes, whether the result of a gender transition or a newly embraced sexual orientation, are common for LGBT+ Partners (whether they have come out, or they are still in the closet). This can be disorienting and even unsettling for a Straight Partner or Partner of a Trans Person to experience. Behavioral changes in a trans partner can be the result of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), or the process of experimenting with new behaviors and presentations of the opposite gender. For LGBT+ Partners, years spent repressing, denying or concealing their authentic identities often ends with discovery/disclosure (although not always). When they come out, there is a huge sense of relief and they may want to celebrate their new-found sense of self and freedom. This can be painful for Straight Partners to watch, who may feel left behind or discarded, and who may see the new behaviors as evidence that their relationship was never real.  

Behavior in someone who has just come out can seem intended to be hurtful to us, however, it generally has far less to do with us, and far more to do with their newfound sense of self.


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