My partner is transgender. What does that mean for me?

While the last few years have seen a dramatic rise in people identifying as transgender or nonbinary (identifying as neither male nor female), the majority of trans people who transition at midlife are MtF (male to female). When a transgender person transitions at midlife, often it is after marriage or partnership and families have been formed. This transition has profound impacts on the Partner of the trans person and on any children they may have. The overwhelming majority of Partners of Trans People that OurPath supports are straight women whose spouses have transitioned or are transitioning from men to trans-women. However, OurPath also supports men whose spouses are transitioning from women to trans-men.
When a partner transitions genders, everyone in the family is impacted. In order for the entire family to find a healthy new normal, the Partner of the Trans Person needs a neutral and supportive space to explore their own complex and shifting emotions regarding their partner’s ongoing transition. Questions of identity and sexuality will come up for the PTP. They are attempting to integrate their trans partner’s new gender identity, behaviors and appearance into their marriage, family and future. These changes occur on a continual basis, and the Partner of the trans person needs a non-judgmental space to process and adjust to these changes, and explore all the experiences and emotions of the transition process. Not all partnerships survive a gender transition, although some do. OurPath is here to support Partners of Trans People no matter what happens in their relationship, and we have resources specifically geared toward Partners of Trans People.