How do I get emotional distance?

Sometimes, Straight Partners or Partners of Trans People must emotionally distance themselves from their LGBT+ Partners, especially if the relationship has become abusive or toxic. Emotional distancing helps the Straight Partner or Partner of a Trans Person begin to establish themselves outside of the relationship, even if there are children in the picture. These are the steps to emotional distancing we recommend (adapted, original author unknown).
- Cease asking your LGBT+ Partner for details on their personal life, unless there is a direct impact on children.
- Do not divulge personal details about yourself to your LGBT+ Partner.
- Do not extend yourself to help your LGBT+ Partner if someone else can help, unless helping them is in the best interest of children.
- Avoid discussions that go nowhere (rehashing fault or blame, recriminations).
- Start to develop new activities that don’t involve your LGBT+ Partner.
- Meet new people, make new friends that have no connection to your LGBT+ Partner.
- Make small changes to your home that reflect you: rearrange furniture, choose new paint colors, try new soaps, try a new restaurant, or welcome new experiences.
- SkyDiving. Yes, really. You get the idea.