OurPath provides straight partners/husbands/wives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans people with support and resources to cope constructively with the life-changing experience of disclosure or discovery. We provide a safe space for them to explore their own path toward a new normal. We help them navigate the challenges of rebuilding their identity, integrity and value systems post-discovery or disclosure. We do this by providing individual and peer group support, a podcast, blog and other online resources. We also reach out to the public and build bridges with organizations that promote LGBT+ equality to raise awareness about the Straight Partner experience.

Who We
OurPath serves Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People regardless of their marital status. Whether disclosure or discovery results in divorce, separation, or remaining in a healthy Mixed Orientation Relationship, we support them in choosing their own path forward toward a future that aligns with their authentic values and vision.
Our Team
From our Executive Director to our Group Leaders and Support Contacts, OurPath relies on a team of passionate, dedicated volunteers who have all experienced being partnered to an LGBT+ person. We know from personal experience what it means to be a Straight Partner or a Partner of a Trans Person, and we are uniquely suited to provide support and empower other Straight Partners to find their path forward.
With visits to the OurPath website, support meeting attendance, podcast downloads, engagement in our online groups, and requests for support, in 2020 OurPath helped Straight Partners in all 50 of the United States, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, France, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the U.K.
OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our Board of Directors sets the tone, agenda, and policies of the organization based upon our Mission Statement. The Executive Director reports to the Board, and establishes and monitors objectives and programs to achieve OurPath’s goals. The Staff reports to the Executive Director, and is made up of volunteers supplemented by independent contractors for specialized services. The Staff implements programs and operations under the Director’s supervision and guidance. The Volunteer Force provides peer-to-peer support to our constituents.
Our History
Our Path’s history is a story of pioneering a new kind of support for people whose lives are generally not spoken about publicly: Straight Partners, Partners of Trans People, and people who are or have been in Mixed Orientation Relationships, whether or not they were aware of it.
In 1983, our founder Amity Pierce Buxton’s husband of 25 years came out as gay. At the time, Amity found there was little support for someone living her experience. Through Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Amity connected with other Straight Partners. In 1986 they formed a task force under the auspices of PFLAG for the support of current and former spouses and partners of LGBT+ people.