One of the most traumatic events that can happen in a marriage is discovering your mate is gay. When Your Spouse Comes Out: A Straight Mate’s Recovery Manual is a comprehensive exploration of the trauma that provides practical steps that successful individuals have taken to keep this event from ruining their future. This guide offers solid therapeutic techniques for self-help and presents poignant true stories that illustrate that the damage is not irreparable. The book examines the various reactions to the coming-out event, the personal challenges and obstacles often experienced, and shares lessons learned and some of the secrets of transformation. Authors: Carol Grever and Deborah Bowman.
When Your Spouse Comes Out: A Straight Mate’s Recovery Manual (Haworth Series in GLBT Family Studies)
Carol Grever and Deborah Bowman present role models, analysis, practices, and activities promoting long-term emotional recovery for heterosexual men and women whose intimate partners are gay.
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